The shirt looks much better without the floodlamps
It was an honor to give my latest talk about reducing toxins in the environment via the California Prop. 65 regulatory scheme at the Ancestral Health Symposium at UC San Diego last weekend. Specifically, I talked about how sugar could potentially be placed onto a list of chemicals causing cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm, and the latest science supporting that conclusion.
I have attended AHS annually since 2016, featuring the latest science on a concept known as “evolutionary mismatch,” where factors in the environment or facets of civilization or technology prevent humans from reaching their evolutionary potential.
This year some of the subjects discussed were hypothyroidism, testosterone deficiency, and a fascinating analysis of addiction (whether it be foods, drugs, or technology), among many other illuminating topics.
The slide deck is attached below. The full presentation will be available for free on YouTube soon.